Submit Your Announcement

There has been an update to the events and announcements submission process. All submissions of events and announcements for the website and/or Daily Digest need to be submitted by 10 a.m., two business days prior to the desired promotion date. This is a change to the previous deadline, which was 10 a.m., one business day prior to the desired promotion date. 请注意: If you are promoting a Saturday or Sunday event, the deadline to submit for promotion on 星期五 is 周三 at 10 a.m.

To promote your announcement on the College's website and/or in the Daily Digest, 使用这个表格:

submit an announcement

Announcement Options

There are many options for promoting an Announcement to the Bryn Mawr community:

  • Select to include it on the Announcement Listing page 在网站上
  • Advertise it up to two times in the Daily Digest newsletter
  • Embed it on any page using the Announcement 4-up content block

Interested in learning more? Watch this training video!

What is the deadline for submitting an Announcement?

All submissions of events and announcements for the website and/or Daily Digest need to be submitted by 10 a.m., two business days prior to the desired promotion date. This is a change to the previous deadline, which was 10 a.m., one business day prior to the desired promotion date. 请注意: If you are promoting a Saturday or Sunday event, the deadline to submit for promotion on 星期五 is 周三 at 10 a.m.

Last Day to Submit 处理一天 Desired Day of Promotion
周一上午10点.m. 周二 周三
周二上午10点.m. 周三 周四
周三 at 10 a.m. 周四 星期五
星期四上午10点.m. 星期五 周一
周五上午10点.m. 周一 周二

整个夏天, the Daily Digest will be sent every two weeks, and will include announcements and cover the upcoming two weeks' worth of events. 查看 Summer Daily Digest Publication Schedule.

重要提示: If something changes with your announcement after you have submitted the form, contact Communications immediately by emailing

How many times can I submit an Announcement?

Each Announcement may be promoted on up to two dates.

What are the elements of an Announcement?


  • 标题
  • Blurb of up to 200 characters that will appear in the Daily Digest and on the Announcement Listing webpage
  • An optional link to a website for more information
  • Body to include information beyond the 200 characters of the blurb that will appear on the Announcement Detail page
  • 标签

公告 will either link to the url provided or if body text is provided the announcement will link to the announcement detail page. If there is both a url provided and body text, the url will appear on the announcement detail page where the announcement will link to.

Announcement Listing Page Example

Screenshot of the 公告 Listing webpage that shows an example of how headlines/links and blurbs display

Announcement Detail Page Example

Announcement detail page which shows the headline displaying at top, followed by body text and button, url链接, 和标签

Announcement Daily Digest Example

Announcement example from the Daily Digest that shows display of headline/link and blurb text

What should I do if I have an Announcement series?

If you know you have an upcoming announcement series, reach out to to schedule a quick planning meeting prior to completing your submission forms. 

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