Virtual Visual Culture

May 5, 2020

Dear Members of the Tri-Co Community, Students, Faculty, Alumnae/i, and Staff: 

Welcome to Virtual Visual Culture, the online presence that we are currently developing as a supplement to Visual Culture Colloquium during our time away from campus.  As we explore the digital platforms that have come to define the dimensions of our distributed campus community, I would like to invite us to think creatively about the ways in which Visual Culture might expand its mission of supporting a wide range of interdisciplinary inquiry into modern visual expression.  

Over the coming days, we will present virtual screenings by contemporary artists that engage with topics germane to the traditions in art history and archaeology here at Bryn Mawr.

The material will be made available for you to access at your own leisure by accessing the Virtual Visual Culture tab in the menu.  In order to view the videos please follow the links contained in each announcement. 

I hope that you enjoy the films and videos as well as the conversations that frame them. And in the spirit of collaborative, interdisciplinary dialogue that is a hallmark of Visual Culture Colloquium, I look forward to hearing your responses to this first step in an experiment that is very much still an embryonic work in progress. Please share your feedback, insight, advice and recommendations for content with me as we continue to think creatively about the project.   

(Special thanks to Robin Parks and Melissa Scott of the Bryn Mawr College Office of College Communications, and the Center for Visual Culture's Lisa Kolonay, for their support.)

Matthew Feliz
Center for Visual Culture
Bryn Mawr College