

I. Introduction: What Is Copyright

美国宪法第17条.S. Code, which defines copyright law in the United States, 从版权所有者拥有独家复制权的前提开始, 分发, make derivative works, and publicly display or perform their work. 只有版权所有人可以授予、交易、出借或出售这些权利. 然而,《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》也规定了所有者权利的几个重要例外. The best known and most important of these exceptions is the fair-use doctrine that allows others to copy a work under certain circumstances without seeking the copyright owner's permission; individual statutory provisions also make specific allowance for such other purposes as distance learning, backup copies of software, and some reproductions made by 库.

In the last 10-20 years, 版权法受到了公众的高度关注,并因复制作品而变得更具争议性, whether by analog or digital means, has become increasingly easy, 随着技术的发展,版权所有者可以更有力地维护自己的权利, and as "information" of all sorts has become ever more commodified. 最近版权法的修改主要是由大企业的版权所有者推动的, 国际媒体公司寻求保护自己的利益,增加收入.

A. 什么是受版权保护

Copyright protects an author's original, tangible form of expression, whether a novel or poem, 手稿的信, 报告, 乐曲, dramatic or choreo图形 work, 绘画, 照片, 演讲, 雕塑, video, 建筑工作, 计算机软件, 等. 请注意,想法和事实信息不受版权保护(它们可能受到专利或商标的保护)。, 也没有任何预先存在的材料已纳入版权作品的保护. 因此, one may copyright a chart, but not the FACTS in a chart; in an anthology of Goethe, one may copyright the translation, 介绍, selection of stories, 但不包括歌德的作品本身,因为它们现在属于公共领域.

Although copyrights may be registered, 在1989年3月1日之前出现在美国的任何创造性作品都是受版权保护的,即使它没有包含版权声明. Items not eligible for copyright protection, U.S. federal government publications, works published before 1923, or works published before 1978 without a copyright notice, are in the public domain and, barring any other legal restrictions, may be copied freely.

B. Duration of Copyright

The copyright on a work expires after a certain amount of time, depending on when it was first presented to the public, 注册, or came into existence in "tangible form." The copyright on works published since 1978, 例如, is valid for the life of the copyright owner plus 70 years. Copyright may be renewed under certain conditions; the Copyright OfficeCircular 15 discusses those conditions.

II. Limitations on the rights of copyright holders

The rights of copyright owners are not absolute, 因为版权法规定了可以在未经所有者许可的情况下复制受版权保护作品的例外情况. Under certain exemptions and the "fair use" doctrine, copyrighted materials may be reproduced in some situations, especially by individuals, 库, and educational institutions.

A. Three Statutory Exemptions

1. 教室使用

教育机构和政府机构有权在面对面的教学活动中公开展示和表演他人的作品, and to a limited degree, 在广播. 请注意,此版权豁免仅适用于使用合法获得的作品副本. This exception allows for reading poetry and plays, for watching commercial films, or for listening to music in class.

2. Copying in a 图书馆

版权法描述了在学术机构中经常使用的对版权的限制. 图书馆(或其用户)对某些受版权保护的作品(音乐作品除外)进行单次复制并不构成侵犯版权, 图形, pictorial or sculptural works, motion pictures or other audiovisual works, except audiovisuals dealing with the news) provided that: only individual articles or small portions of a larger work are copied; the copies become the property of the patron; the copies are used for private study, scholarship or research; the copying is not done for commercial advantage; and the library displays prominently a notice warning of copyright restrictions in accord with requirements published by the US Copyright Office. 经合理查找并以合理价格无法获得的,图书馆可以复制整部作品(或者作品的主要部分). 正是在这种豁免和合理使用原则下,图书馆可以复制并将材料放置在课程保留中.

3. 美国以外的工作

没有“国际版权”自动在全球范围内保护作者的作品. Protection against unauthorized use in a particular country, 因此, depends on the laws of that country. 然而, 大多数国家根据国际版权条约和公约大大简化的条件对外国作品提供保护. 根据经验, if the work would be protected as a US domestic work, it is protected as a foreign work; in cases where foreign copyright codes are more restrictive than the US code, 然而, 作品可能仍然受到保护,即使在美国,它将属于公共领域.

B. 合理使用

The law establishes four tests that a claim of fair use, 这是, 未经许可使用他人的版权作品, 必须满足:

  • The purpose of the use
  • The nature of the work
  • The amount of the work used
  • The market effect of use

The law provides no clear, 定量, 直接回答合理使用的范围及其在具体情况下的适用. 而不是, 潜在用户必须在每个潜在使用案例中考虑这四个因素,并对使用的合法性做出负责任的结论. Reasonable people will differ widely on the applicability of fair-use, 但是,任何可靠的评估都取决于对这四个因素的分析.

在合理使用的判断中,这四个因素不需要偏向一个方向. If most factors lean in favor of a fair use, the activity is allowed; if most lean the opposite direction, 这种使用将不符合合理使用例外,可能需要版权所有者的许可. 教育, 非商业用途通常比商业用途更受欢迎, 但出于教育目的的复制并不自动使使用公平. 印第安纳大学版权管理中心提供了一个衡量这四个因素的网络表格.

A few court cases have helped to test the limits of fair use, 版权所有者和代表版权材料使用者的组织之间的协议已经发布了指导方针,详细说明了合理使用的“公平”. 请注意, 然而, that such guidelines, though certainly useful, have no legal standing, and many would agree that, 就像大多数书扉页背面的“在任何情况下不得复制”的声明, they are too restrictive for educational institutions.




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